Can Home Insurance Cover Lodging During Repairs?

At Alloy Insurance Partners in Dallas, TX, we’ve served plenty of homeowners who may not know exactly what they can expect their home insurance policy to cover. Although you may be aware of the limits of your policy and liability coverage, you might not know that it may be possible for your home insurance policy to cover lodging when qualifying repairs are happening. Of course, before you believe that your insurance policy covers this, you should check with our qualified insurance professionals about what your policy offers.

Why You May Need Lodging During Repairs

While small repairs like fixing a door handle or stopping a faucet from leaking may allow you to be in the home while they’re happening, larger repairs like replacing the flooring in a key room in your home may not allow you to be there. Additionally, some repairs may involve materials that are unsafe for you to be around. In these cases, having somewhere else to stay might not only be helpful for your peace of mind but also necessary for your health and safety.

Can Home Insurance Cover Lodging During Repairs?

Although every insurance policy is different, some home insurance policies may cover lodging at short-term accommodations or other approved places during repairs. In most cases, it depends on the reason for repairs and what the policy explicitly agrees to cover. For purely cosmetic renovations, it’s unlikely that insurance policies will cover lodging, but it never hurts to ask our professionals for clarity on what your policy provides. We’ll always be glad to explain what you can expect from your policy and what is definitely not covered.

For more information on our home insurance policies, call our office at Alloy Insurance Partners in Dallas, TX, today!